Congratulations to our fifteen USIC 811 Operations districts, Blood Hound Private Utility Locating group, and Reconn Utility Services group for reaching the significant safety milestone of ONE MONTH WITH ZERO INJURIES REQUIRING MEDICAL TREATMENT! This significant safety success has been achieved with the leadership of our dedicated Safety Captains and by consistently using our safety defenses, following A3 (assess, analyze, act), and calling a time-out whenever there is a risk to our safety or the safety of others.
Way to go to our road safety warriors - seven USIC 811 Operations districts and our Blood Hound Private Utility Locating group each have driven OVER A MILLION MILES WITH ZERO RESPONSIBLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS (RVA)! Defensive, distraction-free driving has taken them this far on our Journey to Zero, and they are headed toward the two million milestone!
You have all proven that ZERO is an obtainable goal when you Live the Safe Life at work, at home, and on the journeys between.
Check out the complete listing of our safety standouts!