Our Supplier Partnerships

USIC strives to develop strong, long-term partnerships with suppliers that offer quality goods and services in support of our delivery of the safest, highest quality, most efficient underground utility locating services and advanced utility solutions. We require the suppliers we partner with to uphold our high standards for integrity, ethical business practices, legal compliance, and commitment to safety and sustainability, as outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct

Diversity makes our supply chain stronger and drives innovation. We are proud of our significant, ongoing progress in increasing the company’s diverse supplier spend and remain committed to supporting minority-owned and veteran-owned businesses, which contribute to the economic stability of our communities and the strength of our nation.

USIC’s procurement decisions are based on our business requirements, value, logistics, ease of doing business, and quality of customer service.

Please direct inquires related to USIC’s supplier partnerships to our Supply Chain & Fleet Management Team.